Overall, discovery camp was a very fun and meaningful camp. As a participant, I must say that I learnt what GRPR was about throughout the 2nd day.
During the second day which was the most happening day, was where the most number of activities, such as rafting, kayaking and height elements took place.
During rafting, each group was made to raft to a part of the sea and then jump into the water. It was quite an experience, because some of us could not swim, and had a phobia. However, everyone tried to break that fear and jumped eventually, and tried to get each other back on the raft, which was quite difficult.
My group was the first group of the day to try rafting. We took 21minutes, as we had difficulty steering the raft in the correct direction. Finally, we all jumped, and tried our best to get back onto the raft as fast as can be. After everyone got up, we headed back to the beach.
My group and Vimel’s group was also the one to transport the raft from the campsite to the beach. It was not an easy task, as the raft was extremely heavy. However, through team strength and great bonding, we managed to get the raft to the beach eventually.
Next was kayaking. It was really fun and challenging, as each kayak could only have 2 persons it. We kayaked and formed rafts in the middle of the sea, which proved not to be an easy thing, as the waves were sometimes strong and we were quite near the ships. However, through perseverance of each “kayak team”, everyone even played water polo in the middle of the sea! After which, we all kayaked back to the shore.
Finally, it was time to try the flying-fox and rappelling. I only tried flying-fox, as there was not enough time to try rappelling. It was not much of an obstacle to me, as I have done it before. However, I must say it feels good to try it once more!!
The dinner during the second night was BBQ, and most of us ate to our heart’s content. It was quite a successful and fun last dinner of camp, as the BBQ allowed most of us to interact more within the group, and other campers from different groups.
Finally, the highlight event for the night was the campfire. It was a simple one, with the normal singing, cheering and dancing. Everyone ended up with the catchphrase, “woo, ah ah ah”, which really made the campfire even more “high”. Derrick’s version of “you are my sunshine” really made everyone enjoy the campfire even more in the moonshine. At last, the campfire ended with the friendship dance. Evidently through the great laughter that night, everyone enjoyed themselves greatly. We played a last round of “save the man”, and everyone felt high than never before. Finally, it was lights out!
In all, it was a great camp which fostered new friendships, and most importantly, I believe most people discovered more about themselves, which could help them in their future.
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