About Us

SP.Primers is a student club set up in Singapore Polytechnic. It adopts the Primers programme from the Boys' Brigade in Singapore and FCBC is her sponsoring church.

Our mission is to lead and develop youths into discovering who they are and what they can become. We motivate youths from all walks of life through experiential learning. We are a family of servant leaders that not only centers on leadership and personal development, but also on lifelong relationships

Join us! Unlock the leadership in you.

Introduction From Kenny, Officer Commanding

The guy who can speak off sync!

Nice balls!

Different videos all speaking the same thing. When we think differently, and see things in a way others do not see (a person speaking as though he was from an off sync video or a group of guys using the ping pong ball as the focus of a video) we become leaders of our generation.

I guess it is pushing it a little to say that we can become leaders of our generation if we just see and do things differently. But then again we might never be sure who our next Prime Minister is or even on a smaller scale the next President of SP.Primers.

But this is what SP.Primers have to offer, giving the youths of today the opportunity to become leaders of tomorrow. Many of the people must be asking this question, so what is SP.Primers all about. There are adventure elements in our club, there is a strong sense of community service spirit in us and even the events just for us to relax and chill out very rojak feeling, like all in one!

So who are we? well as YOUcampaign tries to put it, we are very interested in YOU. Building you up to be a leader, a person that chooses to go the path less taken, to discover your talents and push you to become the person that you were meant to be. We focus much on understanding ourselves as individuals and also how we work as a team.

Sounds like boring? WRONG, the fun we have exceeds much more than you will expect from a club that focuses on LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT! More importantly in this journey with us as a club, we are a family of fun-loving people who are concerned about every individual!

Give us at least one year of your time in SP, we will have fun together and that you will grow with us! So to know more about us, you'll have to experience it yourself!