This year's NDP was a very memorable day for me and my family, because it was the first time ever that we have been on a NDP as a family.
I must confess we as a family has never had a tradition to sit down together to watch NDP on tv, so for me to have 4 tickets to the actual show was a miracle in itself!
Well enough of me for now, I just wanted to show case some of the NDP photos that I have taken of the seniors and the actual show itself. I am proud of the seniors, as many took up the challenge to serve the nation in this capacity. It has not been an easy journey for all of them but they pulled through it all. Surviving the toughness of the training and even at times un-responsive audience. My salute to them. Singapore is proud of them and so are we as family. YOU GUYS RAWKS!
So coming back, its been a long long time since I was exposed to the various National show, sang by Sun Yan Zi, Kit Chan, Taufik and this year's Hardy but I really got into the mood of it all. (Oh by the way I love this year's song.) And I almost teared when I sang "count on me Singapore" & "Mahjula Singapura". I really did not realised how much I feel for Singapore until that day. I admit Singapore has been the best country that anyone can ever have as home!
I have been to many countries, in different continent and what that does to me is that I have learnt to be very appreciative of our country's political stability, economy, effeciency and racial harmony. I have been to countries that had wars due to different races, bad infrastructure, corrupt political systems etc. So even though I differ some of the government policies but I love my LAND! I also believe that I am here for a reason, to stay here be rooted here and in many ways be a blessing to the many neighbouring countries that we are near to.
I am not sure how much you know about MFA and what they are doing but as a nation we have blessed many neighbours with training centers for their government officials, advice on housing systems and even lending a hand in rescue work. I am proud of Singapore.
Now on a more mirco level then what cue can we take as a family from the direction of Singapore? We as a family are going to Sri Lanka to bless the land. hahaha, but more importantly I pray that we will "shine for Singapore" the way that we were meant to be. Doing our best and not just use Singapore as a stepping stone. I believe it is not by coincidence that we are born here in Singapore but we have a destiny and a role here. I am here to stay and do my best for Singapore, what about you?
Therefore I always encourage every youth that I meant to travel, so that they will see the world and compare us to "them" and in time to come, I believe we will appreciate this land that we all call HOME!
Kenny Foo
NYAA Reminder
This is a reminder for those who want to sign up for NYAA.
Please note that the submission date is today, Friday 15 Aug 2008.
Registration will be closed after today. So for those who want to sign up NYAA, today is your last chance to do so.
The details are below:
Location: Library
Date: 15 Aug (Friday)
Time: 1pm - 5pm
Who to find: Steven and/or Yaohan
Please be reminded that the form must be submitted with your parents signature together with the $17.
Jiayou for your upcoming exams!
Please note that the submission date is today, Friday 15 Aug 2008.
Registration will be closed after today. So for those who want to sign up NYAA, today is your last chance to do so.
The details are below:
Location: Library
Date: 15 Aug (Friday)
Time: 1pm - 5pm
Who to find: Steven and/or Yaohan
Please be reminded that the form must be submitted with your parents signature together with the $17.
Jiayou for your upcoming exams!
Hooray! Poly50 is finally over and Team SP.Primers got the 51st ranking.
Yes, poly50 is a yearly event by the school where every CCA club is being invited to participate in this event. This year, the poly50 was in conjunction with the NDOC.
So many people have been wondering why we decided to take part in this event.
Initially, we thought that taking part in this event will entitle each runner with the poly50 T-shirt, just like last year. However, we are wrong; it is the helper for the event will get the free T-shirt, hahaha! So in the end, we formed 1 team of ten (: We are also being told that primers has been always wanting to take part in this poly50 for the past few year but due to some constraints, the idea of participating was dropped.Yeah, and this is the reason why we joined.
Our team started our training just one week before poly50. The first training was horrible; everyone was weakened down after running for the first 25 round. The second and last training is considered not bad partly because of the first training and we managed to complete it in 1hour 45min for 50 laps.
The day has arrived and everyone is gathered at primers room to do some preparation. Some hiccups here and there, but we managed to overcome it. Team Primers proceeded to Admin center to do some warm-ups before the race. When everything is ready, the race started. During the race, it’s more crowded than expected. Nevertheless, it’s very hard to find our teammates. We started to feel tired in the middle of the race, but we managed to race on due to the encouragement give to each other. We kept on reminding each other not to give up during the race.
And Team SP.Primers completed the race in 1hour 41min, 4mins better during the 2nd training, so let give a 3 Cheers for Team SP.Primers! The sense of accomplishment makes each and everybody of us very delighted after the race.
Running for this poly50, speed isn’t part of the main factors that we could complete the race, most importantly is the Sportsmanship and Teamwork among us.
Since we have already started the ball rolling for the poly50 race, I am expecting you all to run as Team SP.Primers for the poly50 next year. Haha!
Last but not least, I wanted to thank the Team Managers, Helpers and Medics for supporting us throughout the event, not forgetting the runners too, runners like Xiuli, Hueylee, Juli, Nicolas, Jeffery, Weiqiang, Sebastian, Junkai, Weihao, they put in a lot of effort in this race. Hahahaha!
Shi Jun
Yes, poly50 is a yearly event by the school where every CCA club is being invited to participate in this event. This year, the poly50 was in conjunction with the NDOC.
So many people have been wondering why we decided to take part in this event.
Initially, we thought that taking part in this event will entitle each runner with the poly50 T-shirt, just like last year. However, we are wrong; it is the helper for the event will get the free T-shirt, hahaha! So in the end, we formed 1 team of ten (: We are also being told that primers has been always wanting to take part in this poly50 for the past few year but due to some constraints, the idea of participating was dropped.Yeah, and this is the reason why we joined.
Our team started our training just one week before poly50. The first training was horrible; everyone was weakened down after running for the first 25 round. The second and last training is considered not bad partly because of the first training and we managed to complete it in 1hour 45min for 50 laps.
The day has arrived and everyone is gathered at primers room to do some preparation. Some hiccups here and there, but we managed to overcome it. Team Primers proceeded to Admin center to do some warm-ups before the race. When everything is ready, the race started. During the race, it’s more crowded than expected. Nevertheless, it’s very hard to find our teammates. We started to feel tired in the middle of the race, but we managed to race on due to the encouragement give to each other. We kept on reminding each other not to give up during the race.
And Team SP.Primers completed the race in 1hour 41min, 4mins better during the 2nd training, so let give a 3 Cheers for Team SP.Primers! The sense of accomplishment makes each and everybody of us very delighted after the race.
Running for this poly50, speed isn’t part of the main factors that we could complete the race, most importantly is the Sportsmanship and Teamwork among us.
Since we have already started the ball rolling for the poly50 race, I am expecting you all to run as Team SP.Primers for the poly50 next year. Haha!
Last but not least, I wanted to thank the Team Managers, Helpers and Medics for supporting us throughout the event, not forgetting the runners too, runners like Xiuli, Hueylee, Juli, Nicolas, Jeffery, Weiqiang, Sebastian, Junkai, Weihao, they put in a lot of effort in this race. Hahahaha!
Shi Jun
NYAA sign up
Here are some updates regarding NYAA sign up.
The date line for submission will be next friday, 15 Aug '08.
So for those who have not submitted the forms, next week will be your last chance to do so.
There will be collection everyday from monday till friday, and details will be released here.
Below are the confirmed dates and time. More to follow, so do re-visit to check out the other dates and timing.
Location: Library
Date: 12 Aug (Tuesday)
Time: 1pm - 5pm
Who to find: Derrick
Location: Library
Date: 13 Aug (Wednesday)
Time: 1pm - 5pm
Who to find: Yaohan
Location: Library
Date: 14 Aug (Thursday)
Time: 4pm - 6pm
Who to find: Yaohan
Location: Library
Date: 15 Aug (Friday)
Time: 1pm - 5pm
Who to find: Steven
Ganbatte for all your coming test/exams/projects!!
P.S: Dateline for the Sri Lanka trip has passed! Thanks for all the sign ups, interested parties will be notified by end of this week, if you have indicated your interest and your parents have approved your trip but have not been called by anyone by this friday, immediately contact your cluster head.
The date line for submission will be next friday, 15 Aug '08.
So for those who have not submitted the forms, next week will be your last chance to do so.
There will be collection everyday from monday till friday, and details will be released here.
Below are the confirmed dates and time. More to follow, so do re-visit to check out the other dates and timing.
Location: Library
Date: 12 Aug (Tuesday)
Time: 1pm - 5pm
Who to find: Derrick
Location: Library
Date: 13 Aug (Wednesday)
Time: 1pm - 5pm
Who to find: Yaohan
Location: Library
Date: 14 Aug (Thursday)
Time: 4pm - 6pm
Who to find: Yaohan
Location: Library
Date: 15 Aug (Friday)
Time: 1pm - 5pm
Who to find: Steven
Ganbatte for all your coming test/exams/projects!!
P.S: Dateline for the Sri Lanka trip has passed! Thanks for all the sign ups, interested parties will be notified by end of this week, if you have indicated your interest and your parents have approved your trip but have not been called by anyone by this friday, immediately contact your cluster head.
NYAA Signup Procedures
Want to sign up for NYAA? (UPDATED 7 AUG)
Follow the steps shown below and submit the form with your parents signature and $17 at our booth.
NYAA Booth
Location: Someplace @ Moberly Block area.
8-Aug(time 1pm to 5pm)
Derrick will be around to collect your form.
He will be SMSing you his number tonight.
Just in case you forgotten how HE look, here is a photo of him.
Follow the steps shown below and submit the form with your parents signature and $17 at our booth.
NYAA Booth
Location: Someplace @ Moberly Block area.
8-Aug(time 1pm to 5pm)
Derrick will be around to collect your form.
He will be SMSing you his number tonight.
Just in case you forgotten how HE look, here is a photo of him.
Read this document on Scribd: NYAA Procedures
Something in my heart

For RIO camp I have got tons to share too.
Not sure on where to start hmm maybe on the part that I meet Kay on Friday in Primers room after my GEMS. We were so excited to go for the camp and the buying of the things. Kay is a supportive and an encouraging brother worthy of the title Cluster head.
Not sure on where to start hmm maybe on the part that I meet Kay on Friday in Primers room after my GEMS. We were so excited to go for the camp and the buying of the things. Kay is a supportive and an encouraging brother worthy of the title Cluster head.
Thus we set off with cluster B to buy the groceries at Bedok SingXiong. We grabbed and buy a lot of things. It was fun buying all those things as we decided on what to buy and what not to.
I didn’t knew that shopping for groceries can be of such fun because maybe I had not experienced that from my family, coming back to think of that would bring me to tears as I thought of the series of events that happened. It is not the big things in Life that satisfies and makes one being happy but rather the little concern that people had for you and the little things that you do with who you regard as good friends that counts.
There after, Kay and I went out to look out to find appreciation for our freshies but could not find. Then we went back and took a cab to Jetty where we saw that our freshies was already there. I gathered everyone in my group and did some calling before setting off to Ubin.
The first day was the warm out as we set the tone right as we shared more of the personal things in our lives. (Too private to share)
Then it was the second day of RIO, Camp still have to carry on that I was glad towards Kendric as he helps me with the food and the cooking. I was really affected by what has happened.I didn’t eat much during lunch as we didn’t cooked enough but guess what! It is a joy to give joy to others even when you are not that well. I have given my all to this camp and to cluster C because it is my family. Will a mother fight with her son for food? I believed she will rather starve herself than see her son starve. I am catching some this vision that Kenny and YaoHan have been trying to impart.
The second day of RIO was great and we had tons of fun especially with the girls and boys. In one of the station games, we had a lot of fun. It was the water bomb one as we battled with not our hands but our feets ya... Hahaha I still remember that it was really fun as everyone got muddy and we precede to the last station bare-footed.
Then it was the skit where I had to act as a mom, it was too funny, well at least everyone enjoyed themselves. Somehow in the middle of the skit something dropped (lol). The skit was the best I had for these 3 years and lastly for appreciation for the last day was great too. I love bamm-bamm and the RIO camp group. They are my angels.
Cluster C
Cluster C
3 Days and 2 Nights
3 days and 2 nights in Pulau Ubin. Time really flies when we were having so much fun. I got to experience what it was like to live in a different living condition, somewhat similar to a third-world country.
Although this camp was named as Rough It Out camp, it does not totally mean roughing it out. More of the times were on reflecting and sharing to enable us to understand ourselves inside out. For example during the first night, we were asked to share our past experiences. At that time, it had really got me to think back and reflect about the past, in which I had never done before.
It was great to get to experience living in a different living condition, where life still goes on without our ‘wants’, like the air-condition and the water-heater. I was told that in order to save electricity, people living there do not usually switch on the lights, and yet they can still figure their way out through darkness!
I also got to know more people throughout the camp (although half of the people from my group were my close friends!). We worked together to come with our group flag, our group skit, and our very own group name-7美 4帅 1妖怪! The station games required teamwork, especially the game in which we were blindfolded and were asked to form various shapes. Another game required us to tie our legs together and we needed to coordinate well with each other to walk together at the same time.
I believe that everyone had indeed enjoyed this camp! I look forward to the future primers event! And last but not least, 7美 4帅 1妖怪 rocks! 3 cheers for all! =)=)
Wei Ting
Cluster C
Although this camp was named as Rough It Out camp, it does not totally mean roughing it out. More of the times were on reflecting and sharing to enable us to understand ourselves inside out. For example during the first night, we were asked to share our past experiences. At that time, it had really got me to think back and reflect about the past, in which I had never done before.
It was great to get to experience living in a different living condition, where life still goes on without our ‘wants’, like the air-condition and the water-heater. I was told that in order to save electricity, people living there do not usually switch on the lights, and yet they can still figure their way out through darkness!
I also got to know more people throughout the camp (although half of the people from my group were my close friends!). We worked together to come with our group flag, our group skit, and our very own group name-7美 4帅 1妖怪! The station games required teamwork, especially the game in which we were blindfolded and were asked to form various shapes. Another game required us to tie our legs together and we needed to coordinate well with each other to walk together at the same time.
I believe that everyone had indeed enjoyed this camp! I look forward to the future primers event! And last but not least, 7美 4帅 1妖怪 rocks! 3 cheers for all! =)=)
Wei Ting
Cluster C
My experiences (So much to share- final)
27th JULY 2008
This morning is a great morning for me, as I have a nice sleep and eventually I over-slept too. =p Quickly I go pack up my stuffs and wash up before going for breakfast. After the breakfast, we start to clean up the camp area as later we are going to return to our home sweet home.
Later, before we go, we gather together and listen to one of the officer about the NYAA briefing. During this time, we dance together with the popular demand “BUDIMAN” songs, cheer together and lastly end with the traditional BB vesper.
The vans have arrived. We get on to the van with our stuffs and memories too. Before we leave, I saw the UNCLE (husband or partner of AUNTY SUE?) waving on us. Suddenly I have that kind of feeling, he is like my grandfather. Last time when I leave from his house, he does the same action to me when I am sitting inside the car. Unfortunately he had passed away (1 year ago).
Well, we enjoy the sea breeze during our journey back to the Changi Jetty. The weather is just nice too. While we are waiting for the groups to reach Changi Jetty, we play our last group games among ourselves.
This time we use poker cards, the game is known as “heart attack”. I guess every one of us won’t forget the pain of being whacked by other hand, isn’t it?
Cluster A
This morning is a great morning for me, as I have a nice sleep and eventually I over-slept too. =p Quickly I go pack up my stuffs and wash up before going for breakfast. After the breakfast, we start to clean up the camp area as later we are going to return to our home sweet home.
Later, before we go, we gather together and listen to one of the officer about the NYAA briefing. During this time, we dance together with the popular demand “BUDIMAN” songs, cheer together and lastly end with the traditional BB vesper.
The vans have arrived. We get on to the van with our stuffs and memories too. Before we leave, I saw the UNCLE (husband or partner of AUNTY SUE?) waving on us. Suddenly I have that kind of feeling, he is like my grandfather. Last time when I leave from his house, he does the same action to me when I am sitting inside the car. Unfortunately he had passed away (1 year ago).
Well, we enjoy the sea breeze during our journey back to the Changi Jetty. The weather is just nice too. While we are waiting for the groups to reach Changi Jetty, we play our last group games among ourselves.
This time we use poker cards, the game is known as “heart attack”. I guess every one of us won’t forget the pain of being whacked by other hand, isn’t it?
Cluster A
Part 3 of 3
My Experiences (so much to share part 2)
26th JULY 2008
It is a blur morning for me… I woke up and find that most of the people have already wake up and washed up too. I wash up and find that I need to take a shower (refresh my mind). That time there are still few people queue up for their turn.
The gathering time is around and eventually I have to rush for my shower. In the end, I go in the bathroom with two friends and bath together (sounds gay huh?) After that we have our breakfast. Our breakfast is pao and later additional 1 packet of Milo cereal. There are lots of pao and eventually the whole cluster A members cannot finish it.
Finally we play “watermelon” game and the forfeit of the loser must eat a pao… (good luck for those who is really full) We are actually having fun while trying to solve the problems too.
Then, our first activity of the day starts with the other part of ice-breaking game. This time we get to interact between each of us more and warm up our mood and spirit too. After that is the “singspiration” session. We sing and dance together. Later, the officer distributes us the paper clips and tells us about the story of a red paper clip. Throughout the story I have the motivation and spirit, to work out for my bright future. Later follows by the personality test. From the test I can know my own self clearer (personality). Thus, I can change myself to improve my weakness, make full use of my strength, and communicate well with other kind of people too.
Now it is the lunch time. I am one of them who help to prepare the lunch for everybody in Cluster A. Usually I seldom enter the kitchen and cook, and now I have to help to cook for 20-30 persons. Luckily there are some seniors and people who can cook well volunteer to help us. We cook macaroni as our lunch. Eventually an ordinary macaroni which we feel it is tasteless, we make it until delicious with our “secret recipe” soup. I do have fun too while I am preparing the lunch. =p The rest of people are busy with the design of flag while we are busy of our part too.
After lunch, we have our station games event. After listen to the briefing, we realize that before we can leave and proceed to the next station, we have to think a cheer first. This is the part which I hate because I am lazy to think… Finally, we just simply think one in order to get the “permission to leave”. We proceed to our next station by following the clue. After a long distance journey, we thought we reach the destination and so happy with it.
Later we only realize that we go to the wrong place and the actual place is at the other side. With no choice we have to walk back and go another way round. On the way we try to rush also as we saw the other group finishes their first station. Finally, we can keep on the track and the games go smoothly as well. We try to encourage the others during the game. Some of the group members also show their hidden talent too ( eg: some is good in thinking and some is good in reacting) We also learnt co-operation between the group members too. Eventually this event bond us better and we have fun through it.
After the station game events, we go back camp side to rest and meanwhile some of the groups are preparing for the dinner too. For my group we rest and start to discuss our performance for the Gala Night. It is the difficult time for us as most of us are really tired, and lack suggestion of ideas too. Luckily in the end we manage to come out with an idea.
However, we never continue to do further planning and we play games within ourselves (no mood to think more la, play first!) Watermelon, chucky, “catch rat”, “emperor” and many more….=) Later we have told that there are some problems with the preparation of dinner, so we decided to eat some cakes and cookies as our dinner.
Our dinner, the curry chicken will be reserved as our supper as the Gala Night presentation is around that time. We have to get ready for it.
During the last minute, we rush to plan our sketch and distribute the roles for every group members. Eventually we not even have a proper practice once before (we prefer LIVE show). When the event starts, our group become the lucky number 1 to start the performance. Before that we feel quite nervous but in the end we manage to perform our sketch as what we have expected (well at least everybody is laughing).
Thus, after the performance we are really happy with it. We also keep on laughing and having joy when the other groups are performing as well. After that we see a new super star born in our camp too – BUDIMAN ! BUDIMAN-Man-Man-Man….Well forever we wouldn’t forget him and his symbolize song ^^. In the end, the committee members are also involved in the performance too. I really appreciate them as they really put a lot of efforts to this camp. Last but not least, we also have our sweet flash back of memory when we saw our photos on the projector screen.
Later, we have our supper, which originally is our dinner. The curry chicken is tasty and I can feel the warmness when I eat it (first, for the effort from the volunteers; second, it is just a little bit SPICY) . After that we took some photos together and eventually we are free to do anything. I play card games with the group members and during that time we get to know each other better. During the lights-off time, we prepare ourselves to sleep. Tonight I can sleep much more better than the first night as I start to get used to it.
Cluster A
It is a blur morning for me… I woke up and find that most of the people have already wake up and washed up too. I wash up and find that I need to take a shower (refresh my mind). That time there are still few people queue up for their turn.
The gathering time is around and eventually I have to rush for my shower. In the end, I go in the bathroom with two friends and bath together (sounds gay huh?) After that we have our breakfast. Our breakfast is pao and later additional 1 packet of Milo cereal. There are lots of pao and eventually the whole cluster A members cannot finish it.
Finally we play “watermelon” game and the forfeit of the loser must eat a pao… (good luck for those who is really full) We are actually having fun while trying to solve the problems too.
Then, our first activity of the day starts with the other part of ice-breaking game. This time we get to interact between each of us more and warm up our mood and spirit too. After that is the “singspiration” session. We sing and dance together. Later, the officer distributes us the paper clips and tells us about the story of a red paper clip. Throughout the story I have the motivation and spirit, to work out for my bright future. Later follows by the personality test. From the test I can know my own self clearer (personality). Thus, I can change myself to improve my weakness, make full use of my strength, and communicate well with other kind of people too.
Now it is the lunch time. I am one of them who help to prepare the lunch for everybody in Cluster A. Usually I seldom enter the kitchen and cook, and now I have to help to cook for 20-30 persons. Luckily there are some seniors and people who can cook well volunteer to help us. We cook macaroni as our lunch. Eventually an ordinary macaroni which we feel it is tasteless, we make it until delicious with our “secret recipe” soup. I do have fun too while I am preparing the lunch. =p The rest of people are busy with the design of flag while we are busy of our part too.
After lunch, we have our station games event. After listen to the briefing, we realize that before we can leave and proceed to the next station, we have to think a cheer first. This is the part which I hate because I am lazy to think… Finally, we just simply think one in order to get the “permission to leave”. We proceed to our next station by following the clue. After a long distance journey, we thought we reach the destination and so happy with it.
Later we only realize that we go to the wrong place and the actual place is at the other side. With no choice we have to walk back and go another way round. On the way we try to rush also as we saw the other group finishes their first station. Finally, we can keep on the track and the games go smoothly as well. We try to encourage the others during the game. Some of the group members also show their hidden talent too ( eg: some is good in thinking and some is good in reacting) We also learnt co-operation between the group members too. Eventually this event bond us better and we have fun through it.
After the station game events, we go back camp side to rest and meanwhile some of the groups are preparing for the dinner too. For my group we rest and start to discuss our performance for the Gala Night. It is the difficult time for us as most of us are really tired, and lack suggestion of ideas too. Luckily in the end we manage to come out with an idea.
However, we never continue to do further planning and we play games within ourselves (no mood to think more la, play first!) Watermelon, chucky, “catch rat”, “emperor” and many more….=) Later we have told that there are some problems with the preparation of dinner, so we decided to eat some cakes and cookies as our dinner.
Our dinner, the curry chicken will be reserved as our supper as the Gala Night presentation is around that time. We have to get ready for it.
During the last minute, we rush to plan our sketch and distribute the roles for every group members. Eventually we not even have a proper practice once before (we prefer LIVE show). When the event starts, our group become the lucky number 1 to start the performance. Before that we feel quite nervous but in the end we manage to perform our sketch as what we have expected (well at least everybody is laughing).
Thus, after the performance we are really happy with it. We also keep on laughing and having joy when the other groups are performing as well. After that we see a new super star born in our camp too – BUDIMAN ! BUDIMAN-Man-Man-Man….Well forever we wouldn’t forget him and his symbolize song ^^. In the end, the committee members are also involved in the performance too. I really appreciate them as they really put a lot of efforts to this camp. Last but not least, we also have our sweet flash back of memory when we saw our photos on the projector screen.
Later, we have our supper, which originally is our dinner. The curry chicken is tasty and I can feel the warmness when I eat it (first, for the effort from the volunteers; second, it is just a little bit SPICY) . After that we took some photos together and eventually we are free to do anything. I play card games with the group members and during that time we get to know each other better. During the lights-off time, we prepare ourselves to sleep. Tonight I can sleep much more better than the first night as I start to get used to it.
Cluster A
Part 2 of 3
My Experiences (So much to share)
25th JULY 2008
Well, during an hour before 6.00 pm (gather time), I have done with my preparation and ready to go for this camp ! ( That time was very EXCITED, perhaps? =p) Firstly I met with some of my group members at Bedok and carry the food stuffs together with our group leaders to our destination, Changi Jetty by bus. (save $$)
Our stuffs do use up a lot of spaces and eventually we just treat the bus as “our own bus”. Later on we reach there and wait for the departure while meeting with the other primers members as well. Finally the boat arrived, and we took around 15 minutes of boat ride to reach Pulau Ubin. After that, we go to our camp base by van. During the journey, I am wondering where the camp base is and how it is look like. (curiosity) A nice built chalet or a base with tents?
Neither chalet nor tents, it is an old village house which is wooden-built. The committee members lead us to our sleeping place and put our stuffs there. Suddenly I have a feeling that I have come to a rural village. (the environment?) Our sleeping place is a double-story building, and we sleep at the upstairs. Girls sleep inside the rooms and guys sleep outside the rooms (well seems like is a little bit hard for the guys to squeeze in a small place for sleep….) During that time we see our toilet and bathroom for the first time too (OMG?)
It seems like very different than our home toilet and bathroom, I do feel surprised when I saw that, and we are going to use it during the next few days.
(can we get used to it?)
Then, we gather and listen for the briefing by the camp commander and the officer. They told us about the objectives of the camp and the condition swhich we will face during these 3 days. For me, I like to try different kind of experiences, so I feel rather exciting than upset.
Later, we have our ice-breaking game. It is very fun and we get to play with other group members. (I like to play with LOTS of people) After that, we have our session which is known as “Living Experience”. During this session we share our own living experience among the group members. I manage to listen different kinds of living experience from different people. I am also proud to share my own living experience as my background may not same with most of us. (because I am a Malaysian)
After all we have learn to respect other people and keep the secret of the others as well.
It is supper time. Our supper is instant noodle. For me instant noodle always the simplest food but yet is the most delicious food in the camp. Some more I am very hungry during this time. I do enjoy my supper and eat a lot. After that we have to get ready to sleep as the next day there are many more activities to carry on.
During the night I not really sleep well as I can’t get used to it. At first I thought the night will be cold and many mosquitoes, that’s why I choose to close myself with the sleeping bag. Later I find that is another way round, it is hot and the mosquitoes also don’t dare to go near us……(because too much Carbon Dioxide released =.=)
Cluster A
Well, during an hour before 6.00 pm (gather time), I have done with my preparation and ready to go for this camp ! ( That time was very EXCITED, perhaps? =p) Firstly I met with some of my group members at Bedok and carry the food stuffs together with our group leaders to our destination, Changi Jetty by bus. (save $$)
Our stuffs do use up a lot of spaces and eventually we just treat the bus as “our own bus”. Later on we reach there and wait for the departure while meeting with the other primers members as well. Finally the boat arrived, and we took around 15 minutes of boat ride to reach Pulau Ubin. After that, we go to our camp base by van. During the journey, I am wondering where the camp base is and how it is look like. (curiosity) A nice built chalet or a base with tents?
Neither chalet nor tents, it is an old village house which is wooden-built. The committee members lead us to our sleeping place and put our stuffs there. Suddenly I have a feeling that I have come to a rural village. (the environment?) Our sleeping place is a double-story building, and we sleep at the upstairs. Girls sleep inside the rooms and guys sleep outside the rooms (well seems like is a little bit hard for the guys to squeeze in a small place for sleep….) During that time we see our toilet and bathroom for the first time too (OMG?)
It seems like very different than our home toilet and bathroom, I do feel surprised when I saw that, and we are going to use it during the next few days.
(can we get used to it?)
Then, we gather and listen for the briefing by the camp commander and the officer. They told us about the objectives of the camp and the condition swhich we will face during these 3 days. For me, I like to try different kind of experiences, so I feel rather exciting than upset.
Later, we have our ice-breaking game. It is very fun and we get to play with other group members. (I like to play with LOTS of people) After that, we have our session which is known as “Living Experience”. During this session we share our own living experience among the group members. I manage to listen different kinds of living experience from different people. I am also proud to share my own living experience as my background may not same with most of us. (because I am a Malaysian)
After all we have learn to respect other people and keep the secret of the others as well.
It is supper time. Our supper is instant noodle. For me instant noodle always the simplest food but yet is the most delicious food in the camp. Some more I am very hungry during this time. I do enjoy my supper and eat a lot. After that we have to get ready to sleep as the next day there are many more activities to carry on.
During the night I not really sleep well as I can’t get used to it. At first I thought the night will be cold and many mosquitoes, that’s why I choose to close myself with the sleeping bag. Later I find that is another way round, it is hot and the mosquitoes also don’t dare to go near us……(because too much Carbon Dioxide released =.=)
Cluster A
Part 1 of 3
Celebrate what is right with the world!
I watched this video several months back , and I was changed!
Basically it speaks about how we have to change our view of the world, our mindset to one that always am able to see the beautiful things in life!
More importantly do we believe that in things that are mundane or just plain or boring, that there can be beauty in them.
In recent weeks, many things have been happening to the people around me, and these are things that hurt me. Seeing people feeling down and out and basically feeling life is not worth much, I began to worry, because life is fun. It is meant to be fun with full of hope and optimism basically LIFE is meant to be in fullness, ZOE(fullness of life).
Things happen for a reason, and there is no such things as coincidence whether it is something good or bad so we should not just brush it one side, but we then need to ask ourselves this question, how then should I view this situation in my life.
What good can come out of it?
I believe this video will help to answer that, which is to CELEBRATE WHAT IS RIGHT WITH THE WORLD!
This is a long video about 22mins in total, do spend time to watch it! It is worth it.
Especially from 7:30min onwards.
Kenny Foo
Celebrate What's Right With The World
Basically it speaks about how we have to change our view of the world, our mindset to one that always am able to see the beautiful things in life!
More importantly do we believe that in things that are mundane or just plain or boring, that there can be beauty in them.
In recent weeks, many things have been happening to the people around me, and these are things that hurt me. Seeing people feeling down and out and basically feeling life is not worth much, I began to worry, because life is fun. It is meant to be fun with full of hope and optimism basically LIFE is meant to be in fullness, ZOE(fullness of life).
Things happen for a reason, and there is no such things as coincidence whether it is something good or bad so we should not just brush it one side, but we then need to ask ourselves this question, how then should I view this situation in my life.
What good can come out of it?
I believe this video will help to answer that, which is to CELEBRATE WHAT IS RIGHT WITH THE WORLD!
This is a long video about 22mins in total, do spend time to watch it! It is worth it.
Especially from 7:30min onwards.
Kenny Foo
Celebrate What's Right With The World
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