

The Planetshaker’s concert was the next big thing in 2006 for most Christians apart from the Hillsong concert that was staged a few months ago. When the day arrived, I was extremely excited as it was the first time that I was attending a pop concert. The other reason was because the primers were also attending! It was one of those rare chances that all the students and officers were able to let their hair down and dance the night away.

The concert was scheduled at 1930 hrs, but by 1830 hrs; a long queue was forming at the Max Pavilion. Hordes and hordes of crowds were gathering all around, chattering and laughing as they slowly edged their way to the entrance of the hall. The atmosphere was electrifying. All of us were there early as we did not wish to sit all the way to the back of the hall. In the hall, there were two miniature reverse bungees. The kinds where you need a trampoline to jump instead of free falling from high above. We were all at the left side of the stage and were cheering the guys who were daring enough to do somersaults on the reverse bungees. Apart from that, we were taking photos and drawing on each other arms, faces and hair with white crayons or pens so that we would be illuminated by the ultraviolet lights. When the show started, everyone in the hall went wild. The music was amazing and we were grooving to the music; singing and jumping. Everyone were jumping and shouting at the top of their lungs for all the song. It was a pity that the concert was only an hour and a half long as we did not want it to end.

But as what most people say; “All good things must come to an end” and we left around 2200 hrs. Well, that was not the end of the event for the night; most of us headed towards Bedok hawker centre to have our supper and chatted away about the concert. It was till the time for the last train that we ran to catch the ride home….Zzzz…………


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