
SGB@SP - Christmas Bash

On the night of 22nd December, we were all treated to a Christmas party at Vanda Room. Many people seem to have trouble finding the place as people were searching everywhere for just one room while I was watching from inside. However I was lost initially as well, since I came in from the gate near the Graduates Guild.

There was a warm reception and a Christmas-friendly environment when we were finally at the entrance of the room. We were given a popper and a tattoo to allocate us into the different groups later on during the games.

As I was turning away from the reception desk, I saw some people by a pail of water trying to wet the tattoo so that it could stick onto our skin. The program started off late and some people were busy taking photos, some having meetings, some setting things up, some chatting away and fews were staring into space.

Finally the program started with two emcees to come up and gave an overview of the program before passing the microphone to the chairperson of SP Primers. The emcees did a really great job at giving us an overview and seems like there is going to be a lot of fun-filled activities lined-up for everyone.

The microphone was then giving to the chairperson of SP Primers who shared with us the story of a canned food to highlight the progress of SGB and the statistics as well as the achievements we had doing this remarkable event. Although the story was a bit way too long but nobody was bored and some even laughed and cheer while he was telling the story. That shows the support that we have for one another in this CCA, as a family.

Then we all had to be put into groups to play certain games and there was even Santa Claus who ripped the star off the Christmas tree together with our officer Mr. Kenny.

There was also a Christmas tree decoration contest but we are not dolling up the trees but the youngest member of our group and Xiuli won the contest being a ballerina Christmas tree.

Finally the program ended with a marshmallow stuffing contest to see who can stuff the most marshmallow into their mouth and say a Christmas phrase for the audience to guess. Paul is the winner with a record-setting 9 marshmallow in his mouth!!!!

We also have other participators with their might to get as many marshmallow into their mouth.

Then we come to the end of the program and the most anticipated part of the event. THE BUFFET!!!! Well there was just too many people and too little food to go around, which give no doubt why many people were whining and some didn’t even get to sink their teeth into the food.

Honestly, the audience played a huge part to make the program a success, although the original program was greatly cut short but it was the audience that made it a success.

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