
Too quick to judge?

Don't Judge Too Quickly... We Won't. - video powered by Metacafe

I laughed out loud when I watched this video because I personally have experienced both sides of the story. In my journey in Primers, I have both mistaken someone's well intention act to be an lackadaisical character flaw and even I have been mistaken as someone who has been doing certain things without much care and concern. For that I have tried to change my personality and my communication skills.

Far more often nowadays, I have been at the end of a misunderstanding that I simply do not care. And I realised most of such misunderstandings were due to my inability to communicate better. Or that maybe people just cannot accept me as who I am. I will try my best to better as time goes by. Ha!

So in my journey of communicating and trying to understand others better, I always have a standing rule, I will reserve my perception of the person till much later, specifically one year later! Not that I will just take my time to get to know people, but I realised for me and my personality I need time to observe how friends around and the people I meet really are. This is also my piece of advice I give to anyone who really are seeking meaningful relationships. Time is the biggest factor in really knowing someone inside out.

So remember take time out to understand each other as that's one of our values in primers...waiting for one another. Whether it be giving the person time to grow and mature, or waiting for the person to open up to you so that he/she will be comfortable with you! Don't be so quick to judge rather always be open to the surprises of life!

Kenny Foo

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