
Something in my heart

For RIO camp I have got tons to share too.

Not sure on where to start hmm maybe on the part that I meet Kay on Friday in Primers room after my GEMS. We were so excited to go for the camp and the buying of the things. Kay is a supportive and an encouraging brother worthy of the title Cluster head.

Thus we set off with cluster B to buy the groceries at Bedok SingXiong. We grabbed and buy a lot of things. It was fun buying all those things as we decided on what to buy and what not to.

I didn’t knew that shopping for groceries can be of such fun because maybe I had not experienced that from my family, coming back to think of that would bring me to tears as I thought of the series of events that happened. It is not the big things in Life that satisfies and makes one being happy but rather the little concern that people had for you and the little things that you do with who you regard as good friends that counts.

There after, Kay and I went out to look out to find appreciation for our freshies but could not find. Then we went back and took a cab to Jetty where we saw that our freshies was already there. I gathered everyone in my group and did some calling before setting off to Ubin.

The first day was the warm out as we set the tone right as we shared more of the personal things in our lives. (Too private to share)

Then it was the second day of RIO, Camp still have to carry on that I was glad towards Kendric as he helps me with the food and the cooking. I was really affected by what has happened.I didn’t eat much during lunch as we didn’t cooked enough but guess what! It is a joy to give joy to others even when you are not that well. I have given my all to this camp and to cluster C because it is my family. Will a mother fight with her son for food? I believed she will rather starve herself than see her son starve. I am catching some this vision that Kenny and YaoHan have been trying to impart.

The second day of RIO was great and we had tons of fun especially with the girls and boys. In one of the station games, we had a lot of fun. It was the water bomb one as we battled with not our hands but our feets ya... Hahaha I still remember that it was really fun as everyone got muddy and we precede to the last station bare-footed.

Then it was the skit where I had to act as a mom, it was too funny, well at least everyone enjoyed themselves. Somehow in the middle of the skit something dropped (lol). The skit was the best I had for these 3 years and lastly for appreciation for the last day was great too. I love bamm-bamm and the RIO camp group. They are my angels.

Cluster C

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