
Its time to Slimdown!

Girls usually say that they are fat and they want to slim down right? Guess most of you all nodding your head right? Haha... I think I am just one of them and I know it is super hard to do exercise because of laziness and lack of determination. What is the killer of all? To eat buffet! Due to the holidays I had quite a few of buffet and that is bad! One hand I am saying that I want to slim down and on the other hand I cannot resist the temptation of the food and eat so much at a time.

Luckily after mentioning that I want to slim down, I started on my first exercise this Wednesday(6.1.10). It is none other than the training for DE tribe run. I had the first training with the other NYAA participants and for that training we had to run 4km each. It was really scary to run like 4km immediately after resting from such a long rest ever since poly 50. However, I managed to complete it after some time and it really felt great to be able to attain the goal of that day. Even though I am still far away from my 10km aim, but I know that it can be done as long as I believe it and also with the trainings that I am going through.

Having to start the whole run again, it makes me excited to want to continue to run with all the primers peeps. It is not only about burning my fats but also the time that we get to meet one another in the busy schedule and just experience the time we spend with one another.

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